Buna-N-Rubber Tubing

Buna Rubber Tubing

Buna-N-Rubber Tubing - Not for outdoor use. Not pressure rated, use for gravity flow applications. Not rated for sterilization or bend radius.  Temp. Range: -20° to +212°F
� Use with petroleum products, oil, water   Black

OD (in.) ID (in.) Wall (in.) Durometer Part # Available Lengths (FT) Price Per Foot
.187 .125 .031 60A DPT-5563 50' N/A
.250 .125 .062 60A DPT-5564 50' N/A
.281 .156 .062 60A DPT-5565 50' N/A
.312 .187 .062 60A DPT-5550 50' N/A
.375 .250 .062 60A DPT-5603 50' N/A
.437 .250 .093 60A DPT-5600 25', 50' $2.96
.437 .312 .062 60A DPT-5605 25', 50' $2.48
.500 .375 .062 60A DPT-5622 25', 50' $2.72
.562 .375 .093 60A DPT-5609 25', 50' $3.32
.625 .375 .125 60A DPT-5597 25', 50' $4.56
.625 .500 .062 60A DPT-5612 25', 50' $2.88
.687 .437 .125 60A DPT-5611 25', 50' $4.51
.750 .500 .125 60A DPT-5613 25', 50' $5.33
.875 .625 .125 60A DPT-5614 25', 50' $5.86
1.00 .750 .125 60A DPT-5615 25', 50' $7.33
1.188 1.00 .093 60A DPT-5616 10' N/A
2.00 1.00 .500 60A DPT-5617 5', 10' $30.48