4140 Alloy Steel Hex Rods

4140 is one of the chromium, molybdenum, manganese low alloy steels noted for toughness, good torsional strength and good fatigue strength.

This medium carbon alloy grade is widely used for many general purpose parts requiring high tensile strength and toughness.

4140 contains chromium and molybdenum as alloying elements and may be heat treated over a wide range to give the combined advantages of proper hardness, strength and ductility.

In conditions where localized hardness may be required, this steel is readily flame or induction hardened.

4140 Steel Hex Rods

4140 Alloy Steel Hex Rods

Unpolished Mill Finish, Cold Finished) Quenched, tempered, stress relieved. ASTM A29, A108, A193

Technical Data
Part # Width Across Flats Thickness Tolerance Length Tolerance Length Price
DMHR-430 0.438" -.008" +6" 72" $75.28
DMHR-431 0.500" -.008" +6" 72" $71.14
DMHR-420 0.625" -.008" +3" 36" $68.38
DMHR-432 0.625" -.008" +6" 72" $110.47
DMHR-411 0.750" -.008" +1" 12" $41.23
DMHR-421 0.750" -.008" +3" 36" $90.97
DMHR-433 0.750" -.008" +6" 72" $147.01
DMHR-412 0.875" -.008" +1" 12" $59.92
DMHR-422 0.875" -.008" +3" 36" $99.23
DMHR-434 0.875" -.008" +6" 72" $178.16
DMHR-413 1.00" -.008" +1" 12" $64.81
DMHR-423 1.00" -.008" +3" 36" $119.26
DMHR-435 1.00" -.008" +6" 72" $173.48
DMHR-414 1.125" -.008" +1" 12" $89.50
DMHR-424 1.125" -.008" +3" 36" $151.59
DMHR-436 1.125" -.008" +6" 72" $255.66
DMHR-415 1.25" -.008" +1" 12" $90.54
DMHR-425 1.25" -.008" +3" 36" $183.72
DMHR-437 1.25" -.008" +6" 72" $297.34
DMHR-416 1.375" -.008" +1" 12" $245.48
DMHR-426 1.375" -.008" +3" 36" $597.48
DMHR-438 1.375" -.008" +6" 72" $1,066.80
DMHR-417 1.50" -.008" +1" 12" $118.66
DMHR-427 1.50" -.008" +3" 36" $225.44
DMHR-439 1.50" -.008" +6" 72" $339.02
DMHR-418 1.75" -.008" +1" 12" $161.34
DMHR-428 1.75" -.008" +3" 36" $306.58
DMHR-440 1.75" -.008" +6" 72" $484.13
DMHR-419 2.00" -.008" +1" 12" $189.50
DMHR-429 2.00" -.008" +3" 36" $400.08
DMHR-441 2.00" -.008" +6" 72" $661.88
DMHR-476 2.25" -.008" +6" 72" $897.73
DMHR-478 2.25" -.008" +6" 72" $2,210.36